Corcapa 1031 Advisors is proud to announce that we have become a BBB Accredited Business since 9/22/2015. Click here to view BBB Accreditation

BBB has determined that Corcapa 1031 Advisors meets BBB accreditation standards, which include a commitment to make a good faith effort to resolve any consumer complaints. BBB Accredited Businesses pay a fee for accreditation review/monitoring and for support of BBB services to the public.

BBB accreditation does not mean that the business’ products or services have been evaluated or endorsed by BBB, or that BBB has made a determination as to the business’ product quality or competency in performing services.

Corcapa 1031 Advisors affirms that it meets and will abide by the following standards.


BBB Accreditation Process

Not every business is eligible for BBB Accreditation. Businesses must meet, commit to and maintain the BBB Code of Business Practices (Accreditation Standards) in order to be eligible for and maintain BBB Accreditation. The BBB Code of Business Practices represents sound advertising, selling and customer service practices that enhance customer trust and confidence in business. The Code is built on the BBB Standards for Trust, eight principles that summarize important elements of creating and maintaining trust in business.

In order to be eligible for Accreditation a business must complete an Accreditation application.

Upon receipt of a fully completed BBB Application for Accreditation, BBB staff:

  • Reviews the application
  • Researches the business and its principals
  • Verifies the information presented in the application
  • May request additional information
  • May request proof of specific information on the application

After the review and verification process, BBB will then evaluate if the business meets the BBB Code of Business Practices (Accreditation Standards).

Once BBB has finished its evaluation, the application for BBB Accreditation is either approved or denied. If the applicant is found in compliance with the BBB Code of Business Practices it will be presented to the BBB Board of Directors, or a committee of that board, for final approval. If the application is denied, BBB will contact the applicant, indicating the BBB Standard(s) that were not met and any recourse available to the applicant.